My previous idea was to develop a simulation game in which people can experience the transition of the Internet over time and can re-think what the future Internet should be. However, the development of the game seems to be not easy and requires a lot of time so I decided to focus on developing the VR world describing one of the biggest issues of the current Internet, which are various biases due to the Internet: biased data collection, biased search engine algorithm, and biased thoughts.
Theme: Biased Internet
Message: In the recent information society, the Internet is the most important platform for people to obtain information. However, the current internet has evolved to a different form from a radical tool for democracy which was intended by www creator Berners-Lee, and it has caused problems such as the monopoly of data by big IT companies and privacy issues. Is the current Internet really the best way to utilize our valuable data to enrich our lives? In order to think about the question, this project gives people opportunities to understand one of the biggest issues of the current Internet, which are various biases composing of the current Internet: biased data collection, biased search engine algorithm, and biased thoughts.
Experience: A user explores the VR world representing the data flow of the current Internet. This world will be created using simple geometric objects such as circle, square, and triangle and physics to simplify the Internet system. The shapes represent the topics (ex. coronavirus in children) and the colors represent the different information on the same topic (ex. infants may have a higher risk of serious illness than older children). Through the experience, a user can learn three biases caused by the current Internet.

Biased data collection: The Internet only uses limited data, especially of people or fields which actively use IT. However, people believe as if the Internet is the truth of the world. A lot of human behaviors are still not collected as data and can’t be accessed from the Internet.
Biased search engine algorithm: Big IT companies dominants the world of the Internet. When we search for something, what we will see depends on their search engine algorithms, and the search engine is a part of their business. They can control our access to information to earn more money.
Biased thoughts: Even though the collected data and the search engine algorithm are biased, people heavily rely on the Internet and believe the information on the internet, which causes biased thoughts about the world.
How to move around the world? (Reference)
Walk around
Swim or Fly
Ride on a vehicle